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June Meeting

Last updated on April 9, 2021

Our next monthly meeting will be Friday, June 2, 2017 at 7:30pm at the First Presbyterian Church of Wheaton. After a brief business meeting, the program will be regarding Field Day 2017.

Speaking of the RAB

Welcome Doug Totel/W9NJM to the RAB replacing Bill/KD9AUP. Thanks Bill for your years of excellent service.

Plans are in the works to replace the existing 39 antenna with a full size Station Master. Contact any RAB member to help with the install.

Field Day

Field Day 2017 will take place June 24-25. In keeping with the spirit and intent of Field Day, the location will not be disclosed until Thursday, June 22. Contact Mark/N9VDQ, Tim/KC9YFI or Ken/N9HQ with any questions.

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