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Last updated on April 9, 2021

The club’s annual officer elections took place this past Friday night, April 6, 2018. Your WCRA 2018-2019 Board of Officers are: President – Steve Jirsa/KB9RCO, Vice President – Mark Spoo/N9VDQ, Secretary – Ken Kwasniewski/N9HQ, Treasurer – Carol Schroeder/KB9FYL and Custodian – Mike Wilson/N0MO. Congratulations to the new incoming board members. A HUGE thank you to the outgoing board members.

Repeater News

The 145.31 machine is operating efficiently. Plans are still in the works to replace the existing 39 antenna with a more efficient one, as well as changing some internal cables and adding filters. The RAB is requesting that more attention be given to using the 39 machine. The 220 machine is back on the air, albeit at a greaty reduced output. Plans are in the works for finding it a new home. As of 4/14/18, the 440 machine is temporarily OFF THE AIR.

Field Day 2018

Field Day, June 23 & 24, will soon be upon on us. A new location has been found. Thanks to Mike Wilson and Mark Spoo for securing the site. It will be announced at the May meeting.

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