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Technician Class

Last updated on April 9, 2021

August 4 & 11, 2018. Check our training page for details.

Club Picnic

There will be NO AUGUST MEETING. In lieu of a meeting, our Club Picnic will be held at the West Shelter of the Herrick Lake Forest Preserve, August 19, 2018, from 3:00pm til ? If you did not sign up at July’s meeting, please contact a board member. Food and drink will be provided. Members are asked to bring a side dish or dessert.

Public Service Opportunity

WCRA will be assisting with the Chicago Marathon on October 7th. See Mike/N0MO to volunteer and assist with this worthy event.

Repeater News

The 145.31, 145.39 AND 444.475 machines are all back on the air. Thanks to the RAB for repairing the 440 machine and getting it back on the air. The 39 machine has some antenna issues, but is operational. The 220 machine is back on the air, albeit at a greaty reduced output. Plans are in the works for finding it a new home. An opening exsists on the RAB. Please contact a board member if you are interested.

Click here for WCRA’s Facebook Page

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