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Monthly Meeting

Last updated on April 9, 2021

October 5, 2018 at 7:30pm, First Presbyterian Church of Wheaton. The presentation will be on 3D Printing presented by our own Mike Wilson. All are invited, whether a club member or not.

Technician Class

Our most recent Technician Class was a success. We had 11 students in the class. They were interactive and their age ranged from the 20’s to 60’s. Out of the 11 students, 10 Passed the Tech Exam. That means our pass rate was 90% for this class. Congratulations to the new Techs! A big round of thanks to Dale and the WCRA and Medinah Shrine Amateur Radio Unit instructors for their expertise. Another technician class, as well as a general class is being planned. Stayed tuned!

RAB Openings

There are currently 2 (two) openings on the RAB. If you are interested, please contact Don Motz or any board member. No experience required. Many thanks to Doug for assisting on the RAB for several years. The best of luck in your future endeavors!

2019 Hamfest

Is it too soon to start chatting about our 2019 Hamfest? Our hamfest committee has been meeting for months now to ensure YOUR 2019 WCRA HAMFEST is one of the best ever. We are hoping to have a payment method in place to allow credit card usage for tickets, tables, membership, etc. More to come on that. We will also be raffling a new Yaesu FT-991A HF transceiver. Tickets for the radio raffle will be $10 a piece. Only 300 will be sold.

Repeater News

Beginning Monday, September 10, 2018, the Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) will begin using the WCRA 145.31 repeater for their weekly radio net. We welcome them and urge your participation in their net. The 145.31, 145.39 AND 444.475 machines are all back on the air. Thanks to the RAB for repairing the 440 machine and getting it back on the air. The 39 machine has some antenna issues, but is operational. The 220 machine is back on the air, albeit at a greaty reduced output. Plans are in the works for finding it a new home.

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