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New Volunteer Examiner Team

Last updated on April 9, 2021

WCRA has a new VE Team! We have been approved by the Laurel VEC to form a VE Team. Thanks to Tim/KC9YFI and Steve/N9OA for their legwork in getting this formed. See either of them for more info.

Christmas Party

The club’s 2018 Christmas Party will take place, December 2, 5pm, Coopers Corner Restaurant, Winfeld. There will be a cash bar. $15/person. Contact Ruth or Dale to sign up. In lieu of the Christmas Party, there will be NO DECEMBER MEETING.

2019 Hamfest

Is it too soon to start chatting about our Hamfest, January 20, 2019? Our hamfest committee has been meeting for months now to ensure YOUR 2019 WCRA HAMFEST is one of the best ever. We are hoping to have a payment method in place to allow credit card usage for tickets, tables, membership, etc. More to come on that. We will also be raffling a new Yaesu FT-991A HF transceiver. Tickets for the radio raffle will be $10 a piece. Only 300 will be sold.

Repeater News

Beginning Monday, September 10, 2018, the Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) will begin using the WCRA 145.31 repeater for their weekly radio net. We welcome them and urge your participation in their net. The 145.31, 145.39 AND 444.475 machines are all back on the air. Thanks to the RAB for repairing the 440 machine and getting it back on the air. The 39 machine has some antenna issues, but is operational. The 220 machine is back on the air, albeit at a greatly reduced output. Plans are in the works for finding it a new home.

Click here for WCRA’s Facebook Page

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