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New Vice President

Last updated on April 9, 2021

At our April 5 meeting, John Cheney/N9MWF was elected as our new Vice President. Carol Schroeder/KB9FYL was also re-elected as our club Treasurer. Congratulations to both. A huge thank you to outgoing Vice-President Mark Spoo/N9VDQ on his dedicated work to the club.

New Volunteer Examiner Team

WCRA has a new VE Team! We have been approved by the Laurel VEC to form a VE Team. Thanks to Tim/KC9YFI and Steve/N9OA for their legwork in getting this formed. See either of them for more info.

Webmaster Needed

The club is in dire need of an experienced webmaster to keep our club’s site up to date. Please contact a board member for info.

Repeater News

The 145.31, 145.39 AND 444.475 machines are all on the air. The 39 machine has some antenna issues, but is operational. The 220 machine is out of service until further notice

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