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July Meeting

Last updated on April 9, 2021

Friday, July 12, 2019, 7:30pm at the First Presbyterian Church of Wheaton. Please note that due to the holiday, this is the second Friday of the month. All are welcome, members or not. The program will be announced shortly.

VE Testing Session

The WCRA VE team will be conducting a testing session prior to our July meeting (July 12). The session will start promptly at 6:30pm. There will be no testing fee. So if you’re thinking of upgrading, come on down and give it a shot!

2019 Field Day, June 22-23

Once again, in conjunction with the DuPage County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (OHSEM), the Wheaton Community Radio Amateurs (WCRA) will be hosting ARRL Field Day 2019 on the grounds of OHSEM, 418 N. County Farm Rd., Wheaton, IL. A special call is being utilized this year to commemorate the combination of the two groups, W (Wheaton) 9 (Call Area) D (DuPage). Everyone and anyone is invited to stop by to check out the stations, participate and have some fun. Setup will begin at 0900 on Saturday, June 22nd. Participants are asked to bring a side dish (Call sign suffix A-M) or dessert (Call sign suffix M-Z). Entrees and drinks will be provided by the club.

Repeater News

The 145.31, 145.39, 444.475 and 224.140 machines are all on the air. The 39 machine has some antenna issues, but is operational.

Click here for WCRA’s Facebook Page

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