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August Meeting

Last updated on April 7, 2021

August 7th In Person Meeting

August Letter from John, The WCRA Vice President, about the upcoming meeting.

July’s meeting minutes are available online.

We are pleased to announce we will have an in-person meeting. This meeting will NOT be held at the church instead we will be meeting at Addison Fire Station #2.

Club elections will be held during this meeting.

Day: Friday August 7th,
Time: 7:30 PM
Location: Addison Fire Station #2, 666 S. Vista, Addison.
Please park in the area North of the Training Tower.

Social Distancing and Snacks

The meeting will take place using proper social distancing. As such, there are a few changes the members should be aware of. Proper masks will also be used, except when making a presentation or drinking a beverage.

We will have cold beverages available but snacks will not be provided, please bring your own if you would like something to munch on.

Club Elections

We plan on conducting the deferred annual election of officers so please be sure your membership is up to date if you wish to participate.


The program for the evening will be a presentation from newly appointed members of the ARRL Section Leadership who will be giving a short presentation and then will open the floor to questions.

We look forward to seeing everyone at the meeting.

WCRA Board


The following items are for sale. If you are interested in any of them, please contact Mike Wilson for more information.

  • Pyramid Gold Series 22 amp power supply
  • PAKRATT 232
  • MFJ Deluze Versa Tuner II
  • Icom IC-735
  • No power cable or microphone included. Tested and working.

Club Elections

According to the Club Bylaws, the elections were to be held in April at the annual meeting.
There are several law articles which address how Illinois Corporations can handle the annual meeting requirement.
The first option would for the Board to notify the shareholders. in our case the membership, the postponement of
the meeting and announcing the new date if one has been established. We have previously announced that the election
was postponed until the next in person meeting. We will continue to follow this decision.

Please watch our website or Facebook page for further club news.

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