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State Opening Up

Last updated on April 7, 2021

WCRA Members

As the State of Illinois continues to progress in the reopening plan for Covid-19 we wanted to share our near term plans for meetings and events.

July Meeting

Our sincere hope is that the State will move to Phase 4 prior to our July meeting . If that occurs and the church is available for the meeting, we will hold an in person meeting at 7:30 PM on Friday July 10th. At the present time, the church has not finalized their plans for resuming the use of the facility by outside organizations.

If the church is not available, we are reviewing alternative locations to hold the meeting. This could include an outdoor venue where we may request you bring your own chair.

We will continue to keep you informed in a timely manner as plans are firmed up.

Regardless of where an in person meeting is held, there may be changes from past meetings including appropriate social distancing, the use of masks and limited refreshments.

In the unlikely event that the State remains in Phase 3 or we are unable to secure an alternate facility, we will again conduct a virtual meeting using the Zoom platform.

Club Elections

According to the Club ByLaws, the elections were to be held in April at the annual meeting. There are several law articles which address how Illinois Corporations can handle the annual meeting requirement. The first option would for the Board to notify the shareholders. in our case the membership, the postponement of the meeting and announcing the new date if one has been established. We have previously announced that the election was postponed until the next in person meeting. We will continue to follow this decision.

Field Day

We are currently exploring several alternate sites where we can hold a relatively traditional Field Day experience. This of course is predicated on Illinois moving to Phase 4 the day before Field Day weekend. As an alternative, members who would like to operate remotely are able to utilize the Leagues temporary rules for operating from home.

Again, these plans are very fluid. if you are interested in participating in any manner with the club’s Field Day activity, please contact Tim Wheeler at KC9YFI@ARRL.Net and he will keep you advised as the plans are solidified.

Thank you for your continued interest,

WCRA Board

June’s meeting minutes are available online.

Please watch our website or Facebook page for further club news. The board wishes everyone good health. Please try to stay healthy and help others in these trying times.

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