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Field Day

Last updated on April 7, 2021

Field Day is June 27th and 28th. Due to the current world health crisis, field day may not be a pre-organized club wide event but we will continue to do what we can as allowed. More information on a club wide event will be shared as the date approaches.

At its heart, Field Day is an emergency communication demonstration and emergency communications is all about adapting to the situation. So this might just be the best year to try something new and develop a plan B. Grab your go Kit and head to a park. Or just operate from your home station this year. There are lots of ways to participate in Field Day while social distancing and the ARRL offers a few ideas on their website.

Elections have been postponed til the next in-person club meeting

Any paid, current, member may make a nomination. Officers up for (re)election this year are President, Secretary, and Custodian. Please either text, call or email said nominations to either Mark Spoo or Tim Wheeler.

Where Are Your Dues?

Your dues are now late. If you have not already paid your dues for the year, they can be paid at the next club meeting, through the mail or ONLINE though the Join WCRA page.


May’s meeting minutes are now online

Due to local and world events and the Illinois stay-at-home order, our May 1st, 2020 meeting was not held at the Church. Instead we held a Virtual meeting via ZOOM.

Please watch our website or Facebook page for further club news. The board wishes everyone good health. Please try to stay healthy and help others in these trying times.

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