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April Meeting Cancelled

Last updated on April 7, 2021

Due to local and world events, our April 3rd, 2020 meeting has been cancelled. This is in response to local government, health department and church recommendations. Please watch our website or Facebook page for further club news. The board wishes everyone good health. Please try to stay healthy and help others in these trying times.

Elections have been postponed til the May meeting

Any paid, current, member may make a nomination. Officers up for (re)election this year are President, Secretary, and Custodian. Please either text, call or email said nominations to either Mark Spoo or Tim Wheeler.

Where Are Your Dues?

Your dues are now late. If you have not already paid your dues for the year, they can be paid at the next club meeting, through the mail or ONLINE though the Join WCRA page.

March’s meeting minutes are now available online. We have also added the meeting minutes from the last few years to the newsletter page.

Raspberry Pi Class on Saturday April 4 is postponed indefinitely.

The Raspberry Pi program that was to be held at Addison fire district station number 72 on April 4th has been canceled due to a concern regarding the coronavirus. The date will be were rescheduled in the future, Once this issue has been resolved. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Mark Spoo.

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