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March’s Meeting – March 6th, 2020

Last updated on April 7, 2021

The Program

The March meeting will feature a presentation by the Salvation Army on how Amateur Radio is used to support their mission and the training and exercises used to prepare members.

“SATERN or SALVATION ARMY EMERGENCY RADIO NETWORK is the radio communications branch of The Salvation Army. The mission of SATERN is to support The Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services with communications in times of need.

David Byrne, KC9ZVD is the Emergency Communications Coordinator of The Salvation Army Metropolitan Division. He has served on a number of large scale disaster teams including hurricanes Harvey and Michael. Among his duties David is the Divisional SATERN Coordinator. David is an active ham with experience in broadcasting.

Where Are Your Dues?

The March membership meeting is when we have to cough up the annual dues. If you have not already taken care of this, it can be paid at the next club meeting, through the mail or ONLINE though the Join WCRA page.

Elections are coming up in April

Any paid, current, member may make a nomination. Officers up for (re)election this year are President, Secretary, and Custodian. Please either text, call or email said nominations to either Mark Spoo or Tim Wheeler by March 6.

February’s meeting minutes are now available online. We have also added the meeting minutes from the last few years to the newsletter page.

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