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145.39 Repeater Update

Last updated on April 9, 2021

The 39 machine has been moved and installed at its new home in Downers Grove at Highland and 31st St. In adherence to the Illinois Repeater Association’s Selective Access Guidelines, the PL on this repeater has been changed to 107.2.

The antenna is about 880 feet above sea level. Power output at the antenna is about 13 watts. Mode selection is Auto In/Auto Out. Please realize that adjustments will need to be made to tune the system. Contact the RAB with any questions, comments or suggestions you may have.

WCRA would like to thank Bill/KD9AUP for his hard work in assembling the cabinet and corresponding hardware and electronics. Along with Bill, thanks to Ken/N9HQ, Tim/KC9YFI, Mike/N0MO, and Dale/NJ9E for installing the equipment at the new location and Mark/N9VDQ for securing the site.

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