Last updated on January 10, 2024
WCRA Hamfest 2024 January 14th
The WCRA midwinter hamfest will be held at the Kane County fairgrounds from 8 am until 1 pm. Doors to the atrium will open about ten minutes prior for people to purchase and pick up tickets. We are asking attendees to follow current county and state covid mandates.
Forums Times for the 2024 Hamfest
Sunday, January 14th
9:00 AM – 10:15 AM
RT Systems
10:15 AM – 12: 00PM
Yaesu by John Kruk
WireX then Fusion
Attention Vendors.
We are now accepting table requests. Requests can be made online using the Vendors Table Order Form or by mail using the vendor order form. Our vendor letter with our procedures, policies and the price is also now available.
Attention Attendees
Advanced tickets can now be ordered online using the ticket request form and picked up at will call or ordered by mail using the hamfest flyer.
February’s WCRA Club Meeting
Date: February 2, 2024
Time: 7:30 PM
In Person: DuPage OEM, 418 County Farm Road, Wheaton
Remote: Zoom Room Link
Steve Peterson recently emailed out the current version of the club roster. If you did not receive it and would like a copy please email
VOLUNTEERS for the club Insider!
I, am looking for someone to take over for the WCRA Newsletter. I volunteered to do this for one year and I have one more issue for my commitment to the membership. Anyone want to step up?
Sincerely, Frank Krozel
Upcoming Event Calendar
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- 1Holiday Party 20244:00 PMHoliday Party The WCRA Board would like to invite you to the 2024 Holiday Party on December 1st at 4 pm. This year we will be at Cooper’s Corner in Winfield, IL. The address is 27W150 West Roosevelt Road in Winfield. This dinner is open to ALL WCRA Members and their families. Dinner will be paid fo , ...Weekly Nets8:00 PM - 8:15 PMWeekly Net on 145.310 , ...
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- 6Monthly Club Meeting7:30 PMDate: First Friday of the Month Time: 7:30 PM. Location: DuPage OEM 418 N County Farm Rd, Wheaton, IL 60187 Monthly club meetings are will also be available via Zoom id=”927″] Upcoming Programs , ...
- 7Fox Hunting CFAR 147.750MHz7:30 PM - 10:00 PM
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- 10Weather Net7:00 PM - 7:15 PMWeather Net on 444.475 , ...
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- 14Fox Hunting Simplex 146.565 MHz7:30 PM - 10:00 PM
- 15Weekly Nets8:00 PM - 8:15 PMWeekly Net on 145.310 , ...
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- 19Board Meeting7:00 PMExisting Users Log InUsername or EmailPassword Remember Me New User? Click here to register id=”927″] , ...
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- 21Fox Hunting CFMC 146.160 MHz7:30 PM - 10:00 PM
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- 24Weather Net7:00 PM - 7:15 PMWeather Net on 444.475 , ...
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- 28Fox Hunting Simplex 146.34 MHz7:30 PM - 10:00 PM
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