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December 2022

Last updated on December 2, 2022

2022 Holiday Party

The WCRA holiday party will be held at 4pm (1600 hrs, local time) on Sunday, December 4, 2022 at Cooper’s Corner, 27W150 Roosevelt Rd., Winfield, IL 60190. The restaurant is on the northwest corner of East Street and Roosevelt Rd in Winfield.  (East St. is west of County Farm Rd. and east of Winfield Rd.

The menu is available on their website at

Please RSVP by via email to (please do not reply without updating the reply address as this will send your reply to the entire group) with the number attending (including yourself and family members) by 6:00 PM (1800 hrs, local time) on Friday, December 2, 2022.

Please note that there will not  be a monthly club meeting on Friday, December 2.

Happy Holidays and 73,

The WCRA Executive Board:
Roger Bassett, W9RAF, President
Steve Peterson, N9OA, Secretary
Carol Schroeder, KB9FYL, Treasurer
Mike Wilson, N0MO, Property Custodian

red volkswagen beetle scale model

WCRA Hamfest 2023 January 15th

The WCRA midwinter hamfest will be held at the Kane County fairgrounds from 8 am until 1 pm. Doors to the atrium will open about ten minutes prior for people to purchase and pick up tickets. We are asking attendees to follow current county and state covid mandates.

Attention Vendors.

We are now accepting table requests. Requests can be made online using the Vendors Table Order Form or by mail using the vendor order form. Our vendor letter with our procedures, policies and the price is also now available.

Attention Attendees

Advanced tickets can now be ordered online using the ticket request form and picked up at will call or ordered by mail using the hamfest flyer.

Letter From Interim President

Nov 20, 2022

I am sure most of you have heard by now that there has been a change in leadership of the Club.  As the new president I wanted to pass along some of my thoughts that I stated at the November meeting. First off, I informed those present at the meeting that my accepting the president’s position was a short term solution until the next election. There will be still 12 months left on the president’s present term at the next election. I have served as VP for the last 18 months and I am not planning to run again for any position. My requirements have increased on the home front with my wife.

I also advised those present that I like to follow the Golden Rule. Treat others like you want to be treated. I like to thank people for doing small things. I think a “Thank You” goes a long way in relationships. I was in Scouting and became an Eagle Scout and the scouting slogan is “do a good turn very day”.  I try to do that in my daily life.

I know that all the members in active positions of the club spend a lot of time doing good work for the betterment of the club.  The RAB committee works hard at keeping our repeaters working and finding new facilities to improve our radio communications.

The Hamfest committee spends many hours every year to see that the club has a successful Hamfest. The committee is small and needs to be expanded to lighten the work load that just a few carry.  In my short tenure I hope we can add members to this group.  The work of many reduces the work of a few.

Something new I would like to see done is set up an Elmer program for new members.  When I joined I didn’t know what to expect or how the club operated.  I would like to see a long time member take a new member under their wing and introduce them to club activities and operations to get them involved in activities right away.  I know I had interest in one activity but was rejected every time I tried to get involved.  I think that needs to be changed.  I want to see new club members welcome to any activity they are interested in. 

 It has been hard to get back the momentum that was lost when the pandemic shut down most in-person meetings.  As you know we have moved the meeting location two times after leaving the church meeting site in Wheaton.  I think we now have a permanent home in Wheaton at the Homeland Security facility at a very reasonable cost ($0).  For the short time we met at the Addison Fire Station we did not pay anything for use of that room.  We had been playing $50 per meeting at the church. The new facility reduces our annual cost for meetings by $600. The club has had no income except for dues since we have not been able to hold our annual fund raiser, the Hamfest. The annual budget for the club is around $19,000. Of course most of that cost is Hamfest expenses.

I have been working with a fire department in DuPage county to obtain an inside storage facility for our CSU unit.  I have been promised an inside site as soon as they sell a used engine.

When I was serving as the VP I tried to provide interesting programs for the club.  It was hard to get in person presentations due to the pandemic.  We did have several in person zoom presentations. It appears that this is the wave of the future.  However, there are still organizations locally that are available to make presentations.  Those of you who did not make the last meeting lost out on a silent auction of a $50 gift certificate from DX Engineering that went for $10.

In closing I hope we can fill the big meeting room at all future meetings.

Hope to see you at the December Christmas Dinner


President, Roger Bassett, W9RAF

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