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July 2022

Last updated on August 7, 2022


Date: Sunday, August 7,

Time: noon to sundown.

Location: south shelter at Blackwell Forest Preserve was reserved for the club picnic

RSVP: Please let the WCRA Board know if you are planning on attending. So they can get a head count for food.

Upcoming Events


DuPage ARES and WCRA will be putting on a basic class on ARDEN. This class will be at the DuPage OHSEM on July 16th from 10 am to either 2 pm or if we are having good success, longer. The goal of this class is to get equipment flashed to run ARDEN firmware, set up and run that equipment outside and attempt to pass traffic of a digital nature. We would like to throw in some real-life complications regarding obstructions, power issues, and cross-platform issues as well as find and agree on software that we can all use. Mike Wilson, N0MO, will be the course director for this and I will be facilitating the administrative portion. Please complete the google form if you are planning on attending. We will figure out lunch. Water and coffee will be provided. 

This is the Google Link to sign up:>>>>.

Feel free to contact me at if you have any questions

July Membership Meeting

Date: Friday, July 8, 2022, at 7:30 PM. 

Location: DuPage County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management 418 N. County Farm Rd., Wheaton, IL. 

Program: A video of the very first Heathkit SS9000 by the builder (Robert Sumption) at Heathkit.  This kit was designed and built in 1981.

Last Month In Review

Field Day 2022 – Comments and photo from Tom

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Another Field Day in the books.   Thanks to those who came out and participated.   With bad band conditions, issues with antennas, radios, rain, thunder, and low stock of Rice Krispie treats, we made it. We had 3 radios operating 15m, 20m, 40m, 80m, and FT8.   We did ok on FT8 when conditions were bad, but my first time using FT8, was neat, if you like watching paint dry, but still 48 contacts and learned a new communication mode, I will say happy.

We did have a late visitor who contacted us on 145.310 and rode his bike with his wife to see field day in action.   He was interested in our club and looking to do more ham radio in the field, such as POTA.

I have logged all the contacts, which is about 110, but waiting on a few more to log.   I did notice on Facebook that many operators were complaining about weather conditions, band conditions, and those who may have been operating above 100watts, and not making many contacts.   Once a person basically commented, its not just the contacts, its about working problems and operating in the field in not-so-ideal conditions, I could not agree more.   Yes, we have about 110 contacts, but for me, it was still fun, working and trying to solve problems.

Sunday made a few contacts but then decided to wrap it up and call it a day.   After I got everything put away, John K9JK, stopped by, as he was traveling around to different field day sites, we chatted for about 30 minutes, it was great to get a couple of visitors this year.

With all this said, I will continue to be at field day, wherever it may be, it is also a great time, I look forward to more club events, such as POTA or anything in the field operating type stuff.

Also, I would like to thank Ron K9IPO for letting us use an extra radio he had and thanks to DuPage County ARES for use of the trailer.

Tom – KD9JSA

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