About WCRA
Per Article II as recorded in our Articles of Incorporation, WCRA has the following purposes:
- To further the interests of Amateur Radio through active participation therein.
- To improve radio proficiency
- To develop better public relations
- To prepare for any communications emergencies.
- To aid in the training and development of future Radio Amateurs.
Based on the above, WCRA should not be considered a “repeater club;” however, WCRA currently maintains several repeaters.
WCRA meetings are normally held on the first Friday of the month at 7:30 PM at
The DuPage Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management,
418 N. County Farm Road, Wheaton, IL.
From time to time it is necessary to adjust either the date or specific room location for the meetings due to other activities and holidays, so it is advisable to check our web site, or listen in on our nets to confirm when and where the meetings will be. Visitors are always welcome to attend meetings.
ARRL Field Day
WCRA participates in the ARRL Field Day event held in late June. Gasoline generators are typically used for electrical power for the weekend event. Club members may put a station on the air for the event, but this must be coordinated through the Field Day Committee. Visitors and persons interested in Amateur Radio are invited and encouraged to come out and see what the fun of Field Day is all about!
Amateur Radio License Classes
WCRA conducts classes for individuals interested in obtaining an amateur radio license.
Volunteer Examiner Exams
Examinations for amateur radio licenses are given throughout the year by WCRA Volunteer Examiners.
Public Service Events
WCRA club members provide communication support to a number of area public service events during the year. Supported events include walkathons, bikeathons, various parades, etc.
Emergency Services Support
WCRA club members are active in local and area wide amateur radio emergency service (ARES) activities. Emergency service activities include supporting the National Weather Service.
Social Events
Several of our members get together from time to time for breakfast or lunch. Please check the Hamletter, Facebook, and website for gathering information. This is a nice gathering of some of our folks. Stop by and see us sometime!
WCRA hosts a Hamfest every January. This is a ham radio, computer and hobby electronics flea market during which we host a variety of educational forums about Ham Radio. Visitors and persons interested in Amateur Radio are invited and encouraged to come out.
Full WCRA membership is open to all licensed radio amateurs in good standing with the FCC and with the club. Associate membership is available to persons who, while not currently holding a valid Amateur Radio License, are interested in supporting and promoting the purposes and activities of the club.
To join WCRA club as a new member visit the Join WCRA page and choose a membership application form. New full membership applicants must attach a photocopy of your current Amateur Radio license. (Renewing members need not do this.) Please include the appropriate dues in U.S. funds via check or money order. Mail the completed package to the address shown below.
Annual dues for a Individual WCRA membership is $26.00. Family memberships (for multiple family members living in the same household) are $39.00 annually. Full time students and senior citizens dues are $13.00 per year. Dues are payable in full at the beginning of each calendar year (January 1).
If there are any questions on joining the club, please contact a club officer.
About the Club’s Makeup
The Wheaton Community Radio Amateurs is a not-for-profit corporation organized under the Illinois Not For Profit Corporation Act of 1986. The club has existed since its founding in 1948, but current records show that the club was not incorporated until June 14th, 1984. The club is currently classified by the United States Internal Revenue Service as a hobby club as defined in section 501(c)7 of the Internal Revenue Code. Under current laws at the time of this writing, gifts and/or donations to our club are NOT tax deductible.
There are five club officers, who also act as the board of directors for the corporation. Our current officers are listed on the Leadership page.
If you are interested in further information or in seeing copies of our current Articles of Incorporation, please contact a club officer to arrange this. Read our bylaws to see how the club is run.
Mailing Address
Wheaton Community Radio Amateurs (or WCRA)
P.O. Box 1055
Wheaton, IL 60187-1055
Our Mission Statement
The mission of the Wheaton Community Radio Amateurs is to further the art of radio communications and electronics by mentoring anyone with like interests, participating in community events, preparedness in assisting in the event of a disaster where other communication modes can fail, while promoting social camaraderie among its members.